Today it is April fools day!!! Ofcourse many love this day to prank many people and get there humor but others hate this day because they fall for the pranks. Even though you try to avoid it from people who are close to you, there are other places that can even be playing a prank to everyone. For example, the starbucks company. This made me think at first if it was serious, but then ofcourse i remembered that it is April Fools day. Starbucks Mentioned that they are having two new beverages sizes. The "Plenta" and the "Micra". The "Plenta" is a 128 fl oz and the "Micra" is 2 fl oz. This may have brought happiness to those who love coffee for a "Plenta". Not only Starbucks is an example of celebrating April Fools day but even Google company even had its own joke. I went online and everytime I am going to search I always go to Google. However today their new name was "Topeka" . For a minute I thought I was in the wrong website until I found out it was a prank by them. Not only did these fool me, but ofcourse my friends did too. April Fools is a day to make others laugh get a little humor out of them or just make yourself get a little humor.
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