Monday, February 22, 2010
Who can live without food? no one! There are many different types of food in this world. The reason there many different types is because of so many culturals. In each culture, they all have there own dish. They have there own different taste and color. For instance, in the mexican culture they are wellknown for having beans and rice in their dish. In the chinese culture they are more poplular for eating noodles rice and sushi as also the Koreans and Japanese. But no matter what is your culture background, there is always a day where you can try something new. Although some food dishes can be similar from two cultures but they have their own taste and their own kind of ingridients in them. The variety of food in ones culture could be distinguished all over the world, yet also here in any local shopping center. Take a look at the surroundings next time you go shopping, you'll notice that the variety of food resturants change withn mexican food, to chinese food, fast food hamburgers, pizza places, and etc. Therefore meaning that food is all over the place. Even many people may consider eating fast food a bad idea or maybe a waste of money, many are being influence by this food chain because of the way they publicies their labels. Some resturants may even put signs so close to grab the audiences view and make them purchase food without being hungry. In that case who could we blame the client or the seller, either way both get satisified. Food, an every day source to get energy is what every one uses in any culture as a daily process.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Is there one day where there will be any traffic? going to school, heading to work, or going back home, there is always traffic everyday. there is a point where i wish for the road to be just for me, but ofcourse thats impossible. At least two or three times a week i have witnessed drivers that are unaware of the traffic slowing down; therefore, they end up crashing. i have also witness drivers who are distracted by there phones or the radio that cause an accident. but in reality, i dont quite blame them. not only have i witnessed it, but i have experineced it. the reason drivers get easily distracted is because they get impatient in just watching how slow the traffic is going. In some cases i believe that each driver is responsible to be watching the road because of the risk on being in a collision. Although many drivers might disagree with my perspective towards traffic some ignore it and continue with there daily process. Not to mention, those drivers are the ones doing the infractions for example, texting , eating etc. however not excluding women the infractions are women putting on makeup, drinking coffee, and even changing while driving. in short, traffic will be part of the daily routine for everybody. every driver needs to be responsible while driving. the only way you can avoid traffic will be by taking the bus or carpooling. This way there is a less chance to be part of a collision. In the end i believe there is going to be a day where traffic will get overcrowded and stop completely.
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Have you ever thought how music can reflect with your feelings? I have realized how no matter what kind of emotions you are feeling music can relate to you in any way. For example, whether you are having sad feelings you will hear sad slow songs that you can to relate to the lyrics of the singer. Also, the most popular feeling that I believe anyone will relate to will be the dance motivations, where they are made to have fun and forget about everything else and be happy. There are times where I notice how music can also help me focus. For some of you, music may not be something where you can listen to and at the same time doing homework. However, in my experience music is something i have to have when i need to be motivated. For example, every time i am heading to school, i listen to my music that motivates me. Music is a powerful way of motivating oneself because it helps oneself to have a great deeper meaning towards ones life. Without music, everybody will live in depression. There is not one person in this world that does not listen to music when going to their destination or to just express their feelings to themselves or to others. Music is a just another way for people to relate and bring out their deeper feelings out and share it. Without music happiness wouldnt exist in this world.
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